Sunday, March 18, 2007


Lots of little tidbits, things on my mind:

I got a nap today: beauteous. I feel so refreshed, regenerated. I wish I could wind down like this more often! (But it’s SO hard to relax when you’ve got so much on your plate, and people depending on you.)

New site I’ve found: Cumorah. It’s pro-LDS. Some worthwhile stuff there.

The Secret has got me thinking. But now that I know it, it won’t be a secret for long.

BH Roberts’ biography (by Truman Madsen). He went through so much, struggled, but kept striving for God. A human. A real man. Gives me hope that I can improve, despite struggles, frustrations, hardships, etc.

Recently I’ve viewed the word “temptation” in a similar light to “distraction.” They (temptations and distractions) pull you away from God. Like in the dream of Lehi, those who allow themselves to be distracted from God, whatever that distraction may be, fell away (1 Ne. 8:33-34). Memo to myself: stay focused on what’s truly important. Let them scorn.

And television is such a wasteland.

I’m at the midpoint of my life. It has gone so fast.

When two people disagree, it is often based on vocabulary. Sometimes they just understand the definitions of words differently. And if they could just understand each other’s vocabulary better they might see that there really is less conflict there than at first appeared.

Left vs. Right. I love the origins and meanings of words! Check this out, taken from Etymonline:
** Left: weak, foolish, lameness, paralysis, worthless, sinister
** Right: morally correct, just, good, fair, proper, fitting, straight

Ouch! This really makes those of us who are left-handed look REALLY BAD!

Fortunately I’m not completely either:
## Where I’m left-sided: writing, eating, brushing teeth
## Where I’m right-sided: basketball, baseball, football, using scissors, using a mouse, bowling

As you can see, I’m strung up all weird, like a tennis racquet whose strings are not in a perfect grid, but all over the place, some diagonal, some stopping in the middle, some going in a spiral, some zigzagging, some tied up in a knot, some skipping over, and some just plain dangling off.

Here’s another interesting word. You know the word prude? Prude comes from prudent: wisdom to see what is virtuous, what is suitable or profitable, foresight, sagacity, skilled, experienced. So, if someone calls you a prude, you should thank them! :)

We’ve had some wonderful, Spirit-guided experiences in our missionary work lately. It is renewing to speak with people who are hungry for Gospel truths, or who share your values. Missionary work is very rewarding. I love the Gospel truths.

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