Sunday, March 11, 2007

I Hardly Watch Movies Any More

I hardly watch movies any more. Reasons:

1) I’m busy with my family and career.

2) I am more rewarded by blogging, coin collecting, exercising, etc. A Jazz game. A monumental bowl of ice cream. Whatevah.

3) I’m disillusioned and disappointed by their (movies’) vacuous lack of morals, hoepelessly predictable plots, reahashing of old songs for soundtracks, refilming old plots, cameras in the bedroom, absence of all God references (except in cursing), unimaginative locker-room humor, the negative yet imitable behavior and attitudes, and the trendiness of defying authority, laws, norms, and values.

Yeah, you can slam Barbie movies, or the classic Disney movies, claiming they’re cheesy and unrealistic, and I'm not denying that they're cheesy. I used to slam them too. But hey. I have no worries letting my kids watch those movies. All of the Barbie movies teach about respect, goodness, and appropriate relationships between men and women.

I am worried, however, by the recent (as in last 10 years or so of) animated movies. Many of them are blurring the line between innocent cartoons and adult flicks. I guess those movie makers want to appeal to both audiences. I’m getting more and more cautious, because some animated movies are in my opinion very inappropriate for children --- yet children want to see them. Some people may argue that it’s OK for kids to see them because they won’t understand the adult humor and innuendo anyway, but ... I just don’t see it making sense to expose kids to that sort of stuff in the first place. I also don’t want my kids to pick up on the sarcastic, ingrate, defiant attitude creeping into some supposedly “kid” movies.

Reminder to myself: when in doubt, check Screenit out....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good call on the movies... novels could be written on that subject and the infinite levels of wrong and right that are hit with various movies.

My family and I prefer to stick with Disney Channel movies. They're still the true-to-quality feel-good safe stuff; even better than the getting-edgy movies Disney is releasing in the theater lately.

As an added bonus, many of them are filmed in Utah; including their biggest-ever smash hit "High School Musical" which my family and I can't get enough of. We're looking forward to the sequel this summer.

Cool blog, by the way, my friend!