Saturday, February 03, 2007

95 --- I lie not.

Back on Monday, January 22nd, while I was calculating grades for the end of second quarter, I decided to take a break by hobbling down to our school's gym to shoot around by myself. I cannot run or jump due to my knee injury, so I resorted to shooting only free throws. With my very tender, weak, and pretty useless left knee, I placed most of my weight on my right leg. After shooting a few very successfully, I decided to keep track.

I made 19 of my first 20.

I made 47 of my first 50.

I finished making 95 out of 100.

I lie not.

It was the best I have ever shot in the 25+ years that I have enjoyed playing basketball. I think that I was so successful because of the way I had to balance, but my teaching friend Mark thinks it was because I was wounded and thus forced to concentrate more.

Who knows? Who cares! It was awesome, totally awesome for me.

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