Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Same Thing

I wrote this back in October of 2004:

Every TV channel reports the same “news,” in the same way, and at almost the same time

That’s why I like the movie Napoleon Dynamite ---- because it is not the same. It is not typical, predictable. No sex, no ridiculous violence, and filled with fabulous character development.

I don’t want the same everywhere I go ---- the same pants, the same books, the same music and ridiculously predictable radio stations, the same-o same-o food in every restaurant chain, the same merchandise in every store

WE ARE DOMINATED BY THE SAME in so many settings.

What happened to tie dye shirts?
What happened to greasy spoon restaurants?
What happened to stores that sell unique items you can’t find anywhere else?
What happened to grass roots bands and local poetry?
Where are the mavericks and the individuals?
Where are unique plots full of soul?

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