Saturday, February 25, 2006

Considerations, Thoughts

The picture you see here is of my two aunts with President McKay. Awesome! My relatives with the prophet. This picture was taken in 1953 at a "Golden Gleaner Banquet." I don't know what that is.

Listening to Neil Diamond's "12 Songs" album again. Soothing and pensive. He is such a talented song writer!

Today is Saturday. Saturday is a special day; it's the day we get ready for Sunday, then Monday, then we head to Disneyland! We are very pumped to be going. Karin checked the weather forecast in Anaheim, and it's possible rain. She is discouraged, but I'm not too worried. In fact, it might be good to have a bit of rain to discourage some of the locals from going.

I need to keep exercising.

Jordan School District is dropping retirement benefits from their employees at the end of this school year. Disheartening. It was predicted in one newspaper that as many as 1/4 of the district teachers might jump ship in the next year. That would be so devastating for our school system (larger classes, more inexperienced and perhaps less qualified teachers). I am concerned not only about that but even more so for our family's financial future. It causes me to consider moving to another state, where teachers are better compensated. But our families live here! We want to be near them. Maybe I could go into another profession --- but what? The future is a question mark.

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