Monday, March 27, 2006

Disturbing HBO show about the LDS church

I received this from a friend and decided to post it here:

"Dear Friends And Family;
I don't usually have time to read or send forwarded emails but I feel
that this one is rather important and we should all take a minute to do
something about this HBO show.

This is a serious matter for all members of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints!

HBO's new series, "Big Love", is about a polygamous family and is set
in a Salt Lake City suburb. About the likely impact of this sexually
driven show, the New York Times said, "We may never look at Utah and
think white bread again."

Parodies of beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints occur in this show as a belief in priesthood by a man blessing
his hunting rifle, belief in personal revelation from the Holy Ghost by dramatic visions
that the polygamous leader discusses casually with a friend. Talk of
"celestial kingdom", "free agency", and the "Choose the Right" slogan are included.
There is a brief disclaimer stating that the polygamists don't have
an active connection with the LDS Church. But if the writers don't
intend for viewers to make the connection, one wonders why they set
the show in Salt Lake City, the Church's world headquarters, and why
they included distortions of LDS beliefs.

In an official news release by the Church the representative said:

Public Affairs representatives have had several discussions with HBO
executives. The discussions have been amicable and constructive. HBO's decision to
place a clarifying "epilogue" after the first program, which states that the
"Mormon Church" discontinued polygamy in 1890, is appreciated. However, the
Church believes that if the statement is intended to clarify the distinction
between Latter-day Saints and non-Mormon polygamists, it is inadequate, both in
its language and in the fact that it will appear only after the first episode.

For the Church's official stand on this story go to:,15503,3881-1-23019,00.html

I have seen the commercials for this HBO TV show on both television
and in the movie theatres and I have been appalled that they would
make a show like this. I am affiliated with American Family
Association and they do a great job of getting notices out to people
about TV shows that go against Christian beliefs. In most cases,
those TV shows have been canceled all together or fined for
inappropriate content. However, this particular show is directed at
the LDS Church specifically and so AFA wont put forth the effort to
get it canceled. So its up to us and all the LDS people you know.
Please forward this on to any and everyone and hopefully enough
people will take a stand for our beliefs and this show will be taken
off the air. I know it takes a little effort to email and/or call
HBO, but this is what we are all about. This is a message that could
reach not only HBO, but a global audience.

Please, take 3 minutes out of your day and stand up for what?s right.
(Read below for more info)

NBC recently cancelled a show about a dysfunctional Episcopal priest
who saw "Jesus", after almost 700,000 people emailed and complained.

Couldn't we do the same for this show? If you agree, will you:
- forward this email to at least 8 people
- email a polite protest to HBO:

Go To:

Then enter your information, specify it's about Big Love, and leave a
message asking them to cancel this offensive show.

One or two sentences is all it takes. Or feel free to copy or edit
this message:
I am offended that you would produce the series Big Love. It demeans
and distorts sacred beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints. By setting the show in Salt Lake City, it blurs the line
between the Church and the long renounced practice of polygamy.
Please cancel the show immediately.

For "extra mile" effort and effect, call HBO's operator at (212)
512-1208 from 9am to 5pm Mon-Fri EST and ask to leave a message asking HBO
to cancel the show "Big Love".


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