
Friday, April 03, 2020

My Testimony

I believe in the existence and power of God. He is our loving Heavenly Father. He has power that exceeds everything. He wants to us to grow and improve. 

He and His Son Jesus Christ created this world, a place where we could gain experience and have freedom of choice to grow. He sends messengers -- prophets -- to teach us.

In these days, He called Joseph Smith and subsequent prophets to re-establish His Son's church, replete with the teachings we need in order to grow. 

It is ours to choose how we will accept their teachings (scriptures, General Conference). As we accept and apply their teachings with faith, we will grow and come nearer to God.

Another part of applying the prophets' teachings includes repentance -- an acknowledgement and voluntary abandonment of our mistakes (sins) so that we can improve. As we abandon our mistakes, and submit our will to His, the power of Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice serves as a bridge between our inadequacy and a loving but just Heavenly Father. This joyous journey brings us forgiveness and peace, and back to God.