
Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Effects of Technology on Our Lives

Recent advancements in technology have dramatically changed the way we live and interact with each other. In many ways our lives have greatly benefited from these many improvements, such as an unprecedented dissemination of information, enhanced communication, and more. However, I fear that many unintended and undesirable outcomes have resulted. I explain my concerns below, and conclude by offering myself advice on how to handle those concerns.

Concern #1: Technology can distract us from sustained, reflective thought. 

So often when I go to the internet to search specifically for something, or to compose an email, I find myself whisked away by a link, a pop-up, an ad, a new message, a notification, or some other tangent. Suddenly an hour has gone by, and I realize that I still have not accomplished my original purpose. I also find myself frequently sidetracked by seemingly endless messages (emails, texts, voice mails, social media messages, etc.), which lure me away from more important pursuits. At my job, I could easily spend most of my workday simply reading and answering messages and never get anything meaningful done.

Sometimes I am lulled into thinking that time spent staring at a screen can be unwinding, relaxing, and renewing. Many of us easily get sucked into checking messages, social media, sports scores, surfing the net, watching YouTube videos, or playing a video game late into the night. Even if the activity is “mindless” (i.e., not mentally demanding), such prolonged engagement does not allow the brain to fully disengage and get the sleep that it truly needs. Over time this can lead to mental fatigue and reduced effectiveness. 

Then there is “multi-tasking.” It is tempting to think that I can effectively flit back and forth from task to task, tab to tab, person to screen, or screen to driving a car. Trying to multitask is inefficient -- for both pursuits -- and wastes time. (And in the case of driving a car, it is extremely dangerous.) With such splintered attention, neither task receives anything beyond superficial attention. It is also discourteous to do so if one of the tasks is speaking with another person, where your eyes and attention keep steering away from them and the conversation at hand. 

Another means of distraction is the “omnivailability” of those who own a smartphone. No matter where you are or what you are doing -- day or night, next door or a thousand miles away -- if you have a smartphone, you are immediately accessible and thus fair game to be interrupted (if you allow it).

Concern #2: Technology can corrode our use of correct, precise language and the thoughts that it represents. 

Much of our communication, especially when texting, has deteriorated into abbreviations, acronyms, emojis, comma splices, and incomplete or partial information. Our messages are often replete with errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Some may argue that since texting is merely a means to get chunks of information from the sender to the recipient, and merely for functional purposes, that it doesn’t matter if there are errors. That may be so in many cases; but too often the recipient is left to decipher what the sender truly meant, often misinterpreting tone and intention. 

Concern #3: Some media promulgated via technology can affect our perception of reality. 

Technology makes powerfully influential ideas, images, and videos immediately accessible. Quite often the message implies that, “We know what is right. If you don’t think like us, something is wrong with you.” I see this with news organizations, bloggers, advertisers, and especially in social media; and this applies to politics, religion, fashion, attitudes, and trends in general. Just because somebody or some organization “likes” something doesn’t make it right, true, or valuable. Conversely, just because somebody attacks somebody or something, it does not follow that that thing or person is wrong, false, or worthless. 

It is also a tempting tendency to compare our worst to others’ best, especially on social media. Supposing yourself to be less glamorous, less successful, less beautiful, less intelligent, or less valuable than others is a distorted view of reality, and simply not fair to yourself. A spirit of comparison is detrimental, and can detract from your own pursuit of self-betterment. People who post glamorous photographs of themselves, announce the greatness of their relationships, post pictures of their exotic trips, or proclaim their own accomplishments may themselves be struggling with feelings of insecurity and seeking validation of their own self-worth.

Finally, pornography distorts and objectifies sexuality.

Concern #4: Technology can create barriers between us and others. 

Technology has reduced the opportunities for people to interact with each other face to face. You can order your food with an app, buy merchandise online, request a service, find a location without asking for directions, summon a taxi and pay without speaking with the driver, or send a text instead of phoning. 

I have been in many conversations with somebody, where either they or I have a screen open (smartphone, laptop, etc.). You and I might be having a “conversation” in the same room, but between the eyes darting back and forth from the screen to the person and some trite phrases exchanged, our communication is impeded, often empty, and we may as well be on opposite ends of the world. Particularly in social settings, whether it’s a family gathering, a waiting room, a party, a crowded bus, etc., the moment the screens come out, barriers are raised. Everyone goes to their own place, despite physical proximity, and we are not really together. This can be terribly isolating. No wonder so many people feel alone, anxious, and depressed nowadays.

In my career, I regularly attend trainings, meetings, and conferences. I have noticed that shortly after the speaker begins their presentation, many in the audience either open up their laptop or hop on their smartphone. Sometimes it feels like nobody is listening to or engaging with the speaker’s presentation. Eyes go down. Is anybody taking notes? Perhaps. But the collective tune-out is often glaringly conspicuous. Sadly, it seems that our society has come to accept this practice as the norm. It is not only impolite and unprofessional, but also a costly habit that impedes professional development.

The anonymity component of technology also creates a barrier or enmity. For example, there is a text or phone call from an unknown source, or comment boards (such as on news sites) where contributors hide behind the mask of a pseudonym or an unidentified number and leave defamatory, intolerant, hurtful, or profane comments. It seems a human tendency to say more blunt and attacking comments when one thinks they can say them in disguise. 

Concern #5: Technology can make us impatient.

With immediate access to communication, information, merchandise, and services, we as a society often have a hard time tolerating anything that takes time. Waiting goes out the window when virtually anything your heart desires is just a click away. Gone are the days of having to hunt for a recipe, an address, a fact, a solution, etc. We have become a Veruca Salt society (if you don’t know who that is, just pull out your smartphone and Google it) of self-entitlement.


I am getting swept away too easily by technology, pulled from my moorings, becoming reactionary, becoming flabby, becoming a zombie, losing my creativity in a lot of ways, and seeing my relationships with others negatively impacted. I have to do something to take back my life, so I have written this essay, and I conclude with a letter to myself below.


A Letter to Myself about Technology

Dear Tim,

Now that you have spouted off your concerns about technology, I need to talk to you. You seem to think that all technology is bad, but it is not. I want to give you some advice on how to manage technology so that it doesn’t manage you, and thus live a great life. 

Here is my advice: 

1) Focus on relationships! Engage with your wife, family, friends, and colleagues. Invite them to do things with you. Talk with them. Seek to use technology as a tool to enhance those special relationships, instead of allowing it to serve as a distraction, impediment, or isolator. 

2) Recognize that you are in control of your technology. Your time is your own. Your energy is your own. You are smarter (and wiser) than your smartphone. Use technology on your terms -- not the device’s.

3) Seek to communicate with others in person (or by phone) as much as possible, rather than emailing or texting. Think about it: To email or text about an important issue, it takes time to compose a thorough, clear message, and that still stands the chance of being misunderstood. Then there is the subsequent series of back-and-forth replies with more details and follow-up questions, which you will need to talk through as well. On the flip side, when you communicate in person, you and the person can see each other’s body language, hear each other’s tone, ask follow-up questions, often generate better solutions together, and find greater clarity. In addition, it usually takes less time, and the relationship is strengthened in the process. 

4) Improve your focus strategically when using technology:
  • Put the page to full screen, so that there’s no background icons or side distractions. 
  • Turn off as many notifications as you can. 
  • Leave distracting devices elsewhere when engage in important pursuits. 
  • Have only one tab open if possible. 
  • Do important projects in a sustained block of time, instead of interrupted segments. You won’t have to remember each time where you left off, what you have done, mentally re-engage, and resume. You will ultimately get more done, in less time, and do it better.  
5) Manage email and text messages strategically:
  • Like I said in #3, communicate as much as you can in person or by phone. If that’s not feasible, then … 
  • Prioritize: Attend to the most important messages first.  
  • Realize that you don’t have to answer every message the moment it comes.  
  • Delete the unnecessary.  
  • Delegate where possible.  
  • Keep your answers brief. 
  • Unsubscribe. 

6) Renew yourself every day, without technology: Take time to think, pray, sleep (you need your sleep!), sing, play sports, exercise, create, listen to a record, nap, play with your kids, go on a date, read, visit somebody, get out of the house, walk the dogs, write a poem, write in your journal, write an essay like this one, go to the park, knit a scarf, dance, etc.  

7) Proofread before posting or sending. Use the resources available online such as a dictionary, thesaurus, spell check, and grammar check. Insist that all important communications from you are crisp, clear, and error free.

8) Post positive things on social media. Use technology for good, and for improving human relationships. Avoid sarcasm, complaints, and criticism.

Final Thoughts

Technology is here to stay. Embrace it. It has the power to connect us to or disconnect us from each other. Use it purposefully as a tool, to help you have a better life.

Despite the potential hazards that technology poses, it can still be a wonderful ally, as long as we wield it purposefully and deliberately. I am confident that we can benefit from the advantages that technology offers by purposefully implementing proactive strategies and habits to circumvent its potential pitfalls.

Sunday, December 08, 2019

The Incredible Book of Mormon: Its Intricacies and Consistencies

The Book of Mormon is incredible. Its plot interweaves multiple stories simultaneously, yet remains seamless and consistent in its narration. During the flow of its narration, the book will comment about a person, an event, a location, or a doctrine, then in 10, 50, or 100 pages later make another reference to that antecedent, often offering up further clarification. 

The following are examples I have noted in my studies:

1 Nephi 12:4-5 (592 BC, page 22) and Helaman 14:21-27 (6 BC, page 402) foretell the mists of darkness, weather conditions, and destruction of cities when Jesus Christ would die.

3 Nephi 8:5-23 (33 AD, pages 422-423) confirms in detail what had been foretold.

1 Nephi 12:6 (592 BC, page 22) foretells that Jesus Christ will descend from heaven and show himself to Nephi’s descendants.

3 Nephi 11:8-15 (34 AD, pages 428-429) describes Jesus Christ descending from heaven to the Nephites and showing himself to them.

2 Nephi 26:3 (559 BC, pages 100-101) foretells the signs of Jesus Christ’s birth, death, including how unbelievers would stone and kill the prophets.

Helaman 14:3-5 (6 BC, page 401) tells of the signs of Christ’s birth taking place. 

Helaman 14:20-27 (6 BC, page 402) foretells of the upcoming signs of Christ’s death.

3 Nephi 8:25 (33 AD, pages 423-424) tells how unbelievers did stone and kill the prophets. This is also referenced in 3 Nephi 10:12 (34 AD, page 426).

Omni 1:27-28 (323 BC, pages 142-143) talks of how some Nephites wanted to go back to the land of their inheritance. 

Mosiah 9:1-4 (200 BC, page 164) expands on how that happened.

Mosiah 3:17 (124 BC, page 152): King Benjamin tells his sons that salvation can only come through the name of Christ.

Helaman 5:9 (about 30 BC, page 378) refers to the words King Benjamin said to his sons.

Mosiah 7:6-13 (121 BC, page 160) tells how Ammon, Amaleki, Helem, and Hem encounter King Limhi and his “guards without the gate.” 

Mosiah 21:22-24 (121 BC, page 188) mentions the same encounter.

Mosiah 8:9 (121 BC, page 163) talks of the 24 gold plates that King Limhi’s people found. 

Alma 37:21 (74 BC, pages 301-302): Alma commands his son Helaman to keep the 24 gold plates.

Ether 1:1-2 (date unknown, page 487) begins by saying that it is the story of the Jaredites, taken from the 24 plates that Limhi’s people found.

Mosiah 11:12 (160 BC, page 168) talks about the tower that King Noah had built near the temple. 

Mosiah 19:5 (145 BC, page 183) mentions that King Noah fled to that same same tower.

Mosiah 12-16 (148 BC, pages 170-179) tells of Abinadi’s prophecies and death. 

Mormon 1:19 (326 AD, page 470) confirms how some of Abinadi’s prophecies were fulfilled. 

Mosiah 21:35 (122 BC, page 189): The narrator tells the reader that he will give an account of the baptism of the people of Limhi later on. 

Mosiah 25:17-18 (120 BC, pages 195-196) tells of their baptism.

Mosiah 28:9 (92 BC, page 203): The narrator tells the reader that he will give an account of the preachings of Alma and the sons of Mosiah among the Lamanites. 

Alma 17-26 (90 BC, pages 250-275) tells of their preachings. 

Mosiah 28:19 (92 BC, page 203): The narrator tells the reader that an account of the Jaredites will be given later. 

The Book of Ether (pages 487-518) gives that account. 

Mosiah 29:46-47 (92 BC, page 207) talks about King Mosiah dying 509 years after Lehi left Jerusalem.

3 Nephi 2:5-6 (AD 5, page 409) refers to the death of King Mosiah 100 years before, and that it has now been 609 years since Lehi left Jerusalem.

Mosiah 29:27 (92 BC, page 206): King Mosiah teaches that if the voice of the people chooses iniquity, the judgments of God will come upon them. 

Alma 10:19 (82 BC, page 233): Amulek mentions King Mosiah’s teaching from 10 years before. 

Mosiah 29:27 (92-91 BC, page 206) contains Mosiah’s warning about the destruction awaiting the people if they chose iniquity;
Alma 1:1 (91-88 BC, page 208) refers to the laws Mosiah had established; and
Alma 5 (83 BC, pages 217-223) contains prophecies about the coming of Christ and the spiritual decay of the people.

Helaman 4:21-22 (38-30 BC, page 376) refers back to the prophecies of Alma, the words of Mosiah, and the law Mosiah had established.

Alma 31:5-38 (74 BC, page 285) tells about Alma, Amulek, and Zeezrom preaching to the Zoramites. 

In Helaman 5:41 (30 BC, page 380), Aminadab refers to the teachings of Alma, Amulek, and Zeezrom. 

Alma 16:9 (81 BC, page 248) tells that the people of Ammonihah were destroyed. 

Alma 49:3 (72 BC, page 330) mentions how the Nephites rebuilt Ammonihah because it had previously been destroyed. 

Alma 18:24-39 (90 BC, page 255): Ammon implements a missionary teaching approach with King Lamoni, beginning with the question about a belief in God, then proceeding to teach about the creation, the fall of man, and redemption by way of Jesus Christ’s atonement.  

Alma 22:7-14 (90 BC, page 264): Aaron implements a similar teaching approach with the father of King Lamoni.

Alma 30:37 (74 BC, page 283) is another example of a missionary approach asking about a belief in God.

Alma 31:3 (74 BC, page 285) talks of Antionum being the land of the Zoramites. 

Alma 43:5 (74 BC, page 314) restates that Antionum is the land of the Zoramites.

Alma 43:35-54 (74 BC, page 316-318) tells of a Lehi leading in a battle between the Nephites and the Lamanites at the river Sidon.

Alma 49:16 (72 BC, page 331) refers to that same Lehi who was a leader in the battle at the river Sidon.

Alma 11:34 (about 82 BC, page 236): Amulek talks about how the Son of God cannot save his people in their sins.

Helaman 5:10 (about 30 BC, page 378) refers back to Amulek’s teaching, confirming that the Lord will not redeem his people in their sins, but from their sins.

Mosiah 7:6-7 (121 BC, page 160) and Mosiah 21:23 (122-121 BC, page 188) talk of Ammon and his brethren being thrown into prison by Limhi’s guard. 

Helaman 5:21 (30 BC, page 378): Nephi and Lehi were thrown into that same prison, over 90 years later.

Helaman 13:12-13 (6 BC, page 398): The Lord tells Samuel that He would burn the city of Zarahemla if it were not for the righteous people there. 

3 Nephi 8:8 (33 AD, page 422): the city of Zarahemla begins to burn. 

3 Nephi 9:3 (34 AD, page 424): the Lord explains that he burned the city of Zarahemla.

3 Nephi 18:37 (34 AD, page 444) assures the reader that he will tell more about how Jesus gave the disciples power to confer the Holy Ghost. 

In Moroni 2:1-3 (401 AD, page 519), the narrator tells how Jesus conferred the Holy Ghost upon His Nephite disciples.  

3 Nephi 28:9 (34-35 AD, page 461): Jesus assures three of His Nephite disciples that they will not sorrow except for the sins of the world. 

4 Nephi 1:44 (35-421 AD, page 468) tells how the three Nephite disciples began to sorrow for the sins of the world.

Mormon 2:9 (327-350 AD, page 471): Aaron is a king of the Lamanites who has an army. 

Moroni 9:17 (401 AD, page 528) talks of Aaron’s same army. 

Ether 12:13-17 (date unknown, pages 509-510) refers to four different events in four different places in the Book of Mormon:
  • Verse 13 talks of Ammon and Amulek in the prison that fell down (Alma 14:26-29 (82-81 BC, page 246)).
  • Verse 14 talks of Lehi and Nephi among the Lamanites (Helaman 5:50-52 (30 BC, page 380)).
  • Verse 15 talks of Ammon’s miracles among the Lamanites (Alma 17-20 (91-77 BC, pages 250-261)).
  • Verse 17 talks of the three Nephite disciples not having to taste of death (3 Nephi 28:7 (34-35 AD, page 461)).

Side notes:

Alma 11:3-19 talks about weights and measures that the Nephites used for their economy. John Welch wrote an interesting article about the intricacies of it.

2 Nephi 12:16 says, “And upon all the ships of the sea, and upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures.” 

The footnote reads: The Greek (Septuagint) has “ships of the sea.” The Hebrew has “ships of Tarshish.” The Book of Mormon has both, showing that the brass plates had lost neither phrase.