
Friday, June 01, 2018

Be One: Celebration of the the 40th Anniversary of the Revelation on the Priesthood

This evening I attended the "Be One: A First Presidency Celebration of the the 40th Anniversary of the Revelation on the Priesthood" at the Conference Center in downtown Salt Lake. I went there because my inner heart told me to go, even though I didn't have a ticket. I went there, not knowing if I was even going to get in. Well, I did get in, and the standby ticket given to me placed me about 15 rows from the front. The show was amazing. I felt deep feelings of compassion and sympathy for those of the African race, and the difficulties they have been through. I wept through much of it. There was great music, clapping, singing, dancing, and story telling. I saw celebrities there, including Jabari Parker of the Milwaukee Bucks, Alex Boye, Gladys Knight, and Governor Gary Herbert. Our prophet, Russell M. Nelson, was also there, along with the entire First Presidency and most of the 12 Apostles. 

Here is the show:

(If you go to 1:52:13, you will see me in a white shirt and wearing a couple of leis, in the center, sort of in the back.)

And here are some pictures of the event.

 This was right before the show, when most of the 12 Apostles were seated. I love them.

 Governor Herbert

 The prophet and his wife are on the right hand side, coming up the steps.

 The prophet is shaking hands with some of the performers

A lady named Lindsay wore a Nigerian outfit

 Jabari Parker, member of our church, and current player for the Milwaukee Bucks

 Jabari Parker and Apostle Rasband

 Elder Rasband and Jabari Parker

Elder Rasband and Jabari Parker

 Elder Rasband and Jabari Parker


 The "Be One" Choir, whose conductor was Gladys Knight

The "Be One" Choir

Governor Herbert again