Monday, May 21, 2018

The Absolute Brilliance of D.I. (Deseret Industries)

The concept and philosophy of the thrift store chain Deseret Industries is absolutely brilliant. The concept is that people in a community donate unused clothes and items to the D.I., a practice very similar to that of a Savers, Salvation Army, Calvary Thrift, etc.

But the brilliance of D.I. comes in the other things it does. Many if not most of the employees are in a situation where they have hit hard times yet need work experience. Whether one is a recovering addict, a person with a mental disability, or a newly arrived immigrant, the D.I. gives them just such an opportunity for a new or better life. 

From their website: "We partner with community colleges, applied technology centers, and other institutions that offer training courses in accounting, information technology, health care, and other areas."

And: "Items not sold in our stores are sent off for humanitarian relief, where the items will do a lot of good."

I have personally taken a tour of one of their facilities and seen the thousand-pound bundles of clothes that are regularly sent off to needy countries. Every scrap -- if at all usable -- goes to a good cause.

Also from their website:

2017 DI by the Numbers --

Associates served: 16,088
Volunteers giving of their time: 42,005
Languages spoken within DI: 52
Clothing and shoes given in humanitarian aid: 6,149,440 pounds

Finally, it is regularly a rush to visit one of their stores, not knowing what one-of-a-kind items awaits, and coming out having spent only a few dollars on some newfound treasures.

Viva Deseret Industries! 🙂 

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