Dear family and friends,
For better or for worse, my family and I are in many ways addicted to technology. Our phones seem to be the last thing we consult before going to bed, and the first things we look at it when we rise. Our daughters live and die on social media. We are often in the same room together, all looking down at a screen and not really together in any sense of the word. I check emails, social media, news, calendar, Church sites, coin websites, shop for stuff, and do crossword puzzles all through technology. It is completely interwoven in my job as well. It's in our phones, cars, computers, watches, etc.
While technology can bring us together (such as in this email) it often divides and isolates me from my wife, and us from our children.
I readily acknowledge that technology will only become more prevalent in the world, but I am wondering how my family and I can strike a healthy balance between the cyber world and real-world experience and relationships.
While technology can bring us together (such as in this email) it often divides and isolates me from my wife, and us from our children.
I readily acknowledge that technology will only become more prevalent in the world, but I am wondering how my family and I can strike a healthy balance between the cyber world and real-world experience and relationships.
The concepts presented in this article have caused me to reflect:
and in this video:
I would love to hear your thoughts:
- How do you monitor your children and yourself to use technology wisely?
- What rules or guidelines do you use?
- Do you ever have technology "fasts" in your home?
- How do you stay grounded with humans?
Insightful reply from my brother:
Insightful reply from my brother:
My first reaction: I hate my cell phone; I hate Social Media. Then it occurred to me: this new technology is also powerful and good.
Like anything (and I mean anything) if used incorrectly, it become a vice. If used properly, it becomes a tool.
I teach the stake missionary preparation class. In one of our lessons, we talk about sharing gospel.
This ain’t your father’s mission. In the old days, we would go out finding people. Now, people are finding us.
In my opinion, the days of searching for investigators will diminish as investigators search for us. In other words, using technology will be better than going door to door. For example, see how these missionaries are using technology in Japan to get people to attend English classes at
After my mission prep class on finding people, I send them the links below. I also give them the attached handout. I am really pro-technology when being a member missionary.
I know this really does not answer all of your questions. Bottom line: make technology something that strengthens real relationships!
P.S. These are the links I send my mission prep class.
• Watch the video “Developing the Faith to Find” (2:55), The District 1.
• Watch the video “The Lord of the Harvest: The Adams Family” (4:41).
• Watch the video “Sharing Your Beliefs” (2:02).
• What the video about the missionaries teaching the plan of salvation at Union Park using chalk (3:49).
“Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet” by Elder Russell M. Ballard Adapted from a commencement address given at Brigham Young University–Hawaii on December 15, 2007.
“To Sweep the Earth as with a Flood” The following is the text of the address Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles delivered on August 19, 2014, during Campus Education Week at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.
“Missionary Work in the Digital Age”
• Explore the website and explore the site’s resources, such as videos, articles, and profiles posted by members of the Church. Share a video, article, or other page with others using social media.
• Create your own profile on Share your profile with others using social media.
• Share a Mormon Messages video and your feelings about it using social media.
The Church has many websites about harnessing the power of the Internet.
Social Media Helps for Members
Use of Online Resources in Church Callings
Using Media for Sharing the Gospel.
Sharing the Gospel Online
Sharing via
Sharing via Social Media
Sharing via Blogs
Social Pages
This is a website where you can answer questions about the Church.
Japanese English Classes
See how Japanese missions are increasing baptisms through free English classes using technology.