
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Glenn Beck on President Hinckley


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Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Testimony

I am troubled by recent and numerous media reports (brought about in part by the presence of Mitt Romney as a presidential candidate) that skew or misrepresent Mormonism. I am troubled by those who slam our entire church because of one negative experience perpetrated by the imperfect members of our faith. I am troubled by those not of our faith who give more credence to a critic than a member when it comes to determining our doctrine. If you want to know the truth about somebody, go to the source – not to a third party.

Apostle M. Russell Ballard of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints challenged us members to consider sharing our views on blogs, responding to online news reports and using the “new media” in other ways.

I would like to do that.

I am a believing member of the Mormon church. I try to live its precepts, often failing; nevertheless I cherish my association with the Church. I am profoundly grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

For those of you who may not be a believer, or if you falter in your faith, I urge you to study our doctrine:

Study The Book of Mormon.
Read our manuals.
Study the Doctrine and Covenants and our church history.
Surf around our web site: www.lds.org.
Attend our meetings.
Study our General Conference talks.
Get to know our people.

If you approach these things without bias, you will find clarity, purpose, and sweet communion with God.

I believe all the doctrines of the Church. I cherish the vast amount of Gospel knowledge the Church offers. I believe the words and revelations of Joseph Smith. I believe there is divine purpose in the seemingly endless trials we go through in this life. I look forward with fear and excitement to the time when I will see Jesus Christ again. I believe in an afterlife, that this life is merely a bus stop in our eternal progression.

This Church and its Gospel mean everything to me. I encourage you to embrace our faith as well.

- Tim Brooks

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Internet

The Internet takes me away from nearby friends, from real interaction and conversation.

The Internet keeps me home.

The Internet promotes my physical inactivity

The Internet tempts me with inappropriate things.

The Internet lures me away with trivial, unimportant information.

The Internet often wastes my time.

The Internet frazzles and fragments my thinking, and my attention span, with flitting images and numerous options. I often do not dwell on subjects that require time to understand.

The Internet often robs me of being a content human being, of reflection time, and of inner-peace opportunities.

Cursed be distractions, and that which is trivial, alluring, but unsubstantial.

Counsel to self: exercise caution, self-discipline, and restraint when on the computer.