Thursday, June 21, 2007

No ice cream for a month

As of June 12th, I have vowed to myself not to eat ice cream for a month. Reasons:

1. It makes me fat.

2. It makes me feel bloated.

3. It has become an addiction. I am eating way too much of it.

4. It's an exercise in self-control, which I have very little of when it comes to eating.

5. I need a reason to post a blog.


As of July 12th, I will resume eating ice cream again. Reasons:

1. It's yummy.

2. It's addictive.

3. My self-bargained month will be over.

4. I am going to die anyway.

1 comment:

Jason said...

There is always No Sugar Added Ice Cream. I enjoy it but it has far less calories.