Once again friends or associates of mine, having heard that I maintain a blog, have wondered aloud why on earth anyone would want to do such a thing.
Isn't it a waste of time?
Why do you want people out there to read your private thoughts? That's like letting everyone see your journal!
Don't you have anything better to do?
And once again I feel a need to comment about blogs. I view them as somewhat of an art form, that is, if art is considered expression. A chance to influence someone for good. A way to keep my friends updated on my life and thoughts without having to send numerous emails to individuals, which basically say the same thing each time. Here I can word it once and let people come to read it. Saves time. Like a library. Stock it with books and let those who are interested come check it out.
Why do people write editorials to the paper?
Why do companies and schools publish quarterly news?
Why do some people feel a profound need to write poetry, or a novel, or a play?
Why do some painters devote their energies, money, and whole life to their craft --- despite no remuneration?
I sort of view blogging the same way. It's fun. It's enjoyable. It engages my mind. It releases. It awakens.
My hope is that you read my blog (chances are I read yours --- if you’ve given it to me); if while reading it you derive even a small portion of the enjoyment that I had while writing it then my efforts have not been in vain.