
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Message for Ken Craig

Hey, Ken. Wassup?

Dote Real Eye Sew Munch Awn Yore Spell Czech

This is humor.

For the past month or so, I have had my students work on composing a research paper. A couple of days ago I had them bring in their rough drafts for a group editing session. Unfortunately, too many students nowadays rely almost exclusively on spell check, instead of their own knowledge of spelling. One of the kids had a sentence in his paper like this:

"George Washington Carver is defiantly very important in U.S. history." (supposed to be "definitely")

And from another student:

"Abraham Lincoln helped the slaves by bringing about the Mastication Proclamation." (From dictionary.com: "Masticate: To reduce to a pulp by crushing or kneading, as rubber.") That's interesting. I didn't know the slaves wanted to masticate. You'd think that being in slavery and all they'd want to be emancipated....