I have owned a book for about 12 years that tonight I picked up for the first time. (Why have I have never cracked it open until now?) I have only read about 10 pages of it so far, but it has really struck a chord within me: If You Want to Write: A Book About Art, Independence and Spirit: by Brenda Ueland. It has fascinated me. It tells of the need to express yourself through writing and art, and how it nourishes the human soul. I need to read that, because my life is so regularly inundated and mind-bleared with duty.
When I was younger I used to write poetry frequently. As I've aged and assumed numerous roles and responsibilities, the poetry has all but died out completely. I want to revive that poetic-ness inside me and my family. We'll be happier.
There is already too much of TV (which I both love and hate, My Precious) and the Internet. To be connected to the world is great, to watch Jazz games and The Crocodile Hunter (may he rest in peace) is great, to e-mail is great, to compose my lessons on the computer is great, but sometimes it all gets too much and I need to get away and reclaim my mind, my heart, my spirit, my peace. For that reason power outages are often a blessing.
And as I was remarking to Karin this evening about some of what I had read, she encouraged me to get back to poetry and toothpick sculptures. Awesome!
William Blake - visionary poet
Gerard Manley Hopkins - keen observer of nature
Cat Stevens - "If you want to sing out, sing out"